Many of the plants featured in this pattern are varieties that I keep in my home and office. Most are popular houseplants, and I made sure to include my favorite snake plant, fern, aloe, cacti and monstera.
Houseplants can be very fun to sketch – this pattern actually began as linear pencil drawings that I translated into vibrant stitching. The texture, details, and color variation of the leaves, basket planters and macrame hangers really lend themselves perfectly to embroidery.
Behind the Print: Houseplants
Modeled After My Own Home Garden
Health Benefits of Houseplants
Plants can have a positive effect on mental health. Tending to them and seeing them thrive can be a relaxing activity, and some research shows that the bacteria in the soil triggers the release of serotonin. While having a full garden in the city can be a challenge, houseplants make working with plants accessible to anyone.Â
I personally find tending to my houseplants very relaxing. Jades and orchids are my go-to plants. At this point, I have had them over many years and feel comfortable identifying their needs. Other plants can be a little high maintenance for my busy lifestyle so I find it’s best to avoid choosing those so I don’t feel overwhelmed or burdened with too much of a project.Â
Leo, my husband, and business partner loves taking care of bonsai trees. It’s a total passion of his, and he spends so much time in the greenhouse working with his trees. The flowering ones are especially fun and he’s always so excited to see the flowers bloom.
Wear Houseplants While Tending to Your Houseplants
These pajamas were designed for those with a passion for plant tending... but don't be intimidated! Even if you don’t have a green thumb of your own, you can still enjoy the benefits of looking at healthy houseplants through these embroidered pjs, no gardening required.
If you do have an indoor or outdoor garden, you'll feel right at home amongst your plant babies when you're cozied up in a Houseplant pajama set or robe.
We'd love to see you in your natural habitat - take a picture of yourself caring for your plants in your Houseplant pajamas, and be sure to tag us on Instagram.
Shopping the Collection
Houseplants is available in long and short sleep sets, a sleep shirt, nightgown, and short robe. Whatever you are most comfortable sleeping in, there is an option for you.
Do you plan to start or tend to your home garden in your new pajamas? Tell us in the comments what you like to grow!
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