Conscious Living

More Tips for Recycling and Repurposing Your Clothes Featuring @themedianmoda

A few months back we posted an article about the best way to recycle your clothes, and the response was incredible! In an effort to learn more, we decided to enlist the help of Gabbie N., Printfresh fan and the blogger behind the Median Moda and the Style Blogger Index to provide even more practical tips for recycling and repurposing your clothes. 

By Lauren Moreno
October 2021
More Tips for Recycling and Repurposing Your Clothes Featuring @themedianmoda
More Tips for Recycling and Repurposing Your Clothes Featuring @themedianmoda

At Printfresh, one of the many things we love about Gabbie is her sense of style and ability to craft well put together outfits with a variety of bright colors and bold prints. But she’s not always running out to buy something new. Gabbie approaches her wardrobe in a sustainable, thoughtful way – giving consideration to what she both purchases and disposes of. 

Looking for ideas on how you can buy less, wear what you own and donate responsibly? Recently, we had the opportunity to ask Gabbie a few questions and got a few more tips from her about ways to repurpose old clothes and breathe new life into what you already own.

More Tips for Recycling and Repurposing Your Clothes Featuring @themedianmoda
More Tips for Recycling and Repurposing Your Clothes Featuring @themedianmoda

What advice do you have for someone who is just getting started with more sustainable shopping? What is the easiest way to start buying less?


It sounds kind of stupid to say it, but honestly... just stop! Wear what you already own. Chances are you probably just haven't thought to combine items in your existing wardrobe in ways that are interesting and exciting for you. Take some pieces out of storage, try a few color combinations that feel risky to you, pair pieces that seem seasonally out of the ordinary, etc. Whatever it takes to get out of your comfort zone and make yourself feel like the stuff you own is enough. That way you're shopping your own closet instead of buying something new.


How do you approach keeping up with new style trends without buying unnecessary clothing items?


Remember that trend cycles are ephemeral and pretty much exist only to entice you to spend money. When is the last time you hopped on a trend and continued to wear that item of clothing for years or even decades to come? 

Before you impulse buy, see if you already have something similar in your own closet (trends are cyclical)! If you're an elder millennial like me, everything you wore in high school is trendy again for some reason. Another good compromise is shopping at thrift stores,  you'll spend less money and give somebody else's unwanted clothes a new home.

More Tips for Recycling and Repurposing Your Clothes Featuring @themedianmoda
More Tips for Recycling and Repurposing Your Clothes Featuring @themedianmoda

We love seeing your #ClosetDustOff posts on Instagram. What other steps do you take to help you decide if it’s time to let something go? 


Be honest with yourself about why you're holding on to a piece of clothing. Why don't you wear it? Does it just need a quick repair or adjustment, or does it really not fit? Does it no longer match your style? Is it uncomfortable? Maybe you don't like the fabric or the color. If it's something that isn't easy to fix or just isn't worth the effort for you, it's probably time to pass it on to somebody else!

More Tips for Recycling and Repurposing Your Clothes Featuring @themedianmoda
More Tips for Recycling and Repurposing Your Clothes Featuring @themedianmoda

We’ve written before about the not-so-sustainable side of recycling your clothing. Instead of getting rid of things, what ways have you found to repurpose your clothing for new uses? 


I'm not the craftiest person in the world, so this isn't one of my personal strong suits, but this is why I'm always on the lookout for upcyclists and sewists who need fabric donations like @earthlyfortheplanet. I prefer to donate directly to them rather than to thrift stores because then my clothes are far less likely to end up in a landfill. 

If you’re like me and not as crafty, there are many other things you can do with old clothes and textiles.  I know people have lots of success turning old clothes into rags, or stuffing pillows or pet beds, etc.


You’ve organized several clothing swaps. In your opinion, what are the keys to success?


Part of why my swaps are so successful is that I match people together in pairs based on their size and interests. It's a lot of work, so I don't necessarily recommend this approach for everyone! 

For those interested in participating, you can check out the Style Blogger Index at -- this is a directory of fashion Instagram accounts organized by size and the basis of how I match people up for swaps.

More Tips for Recycling and Repurposing Your Clothes Featuring @themedianmoda
More Tips for Recycling and Repurposing Your Clothes Featuring @themedianmoda

Since we’re a pajama company we have to take the opportunity to ask you about your sleepwear and bedtime habits. So, when it comes to your pajamas do you prefer matching sets or mix and match?


PJs: Matching sets or mix and match?
Matching sets (but I'm excited to mix it up!)

Slippers: Yes or No

What’s the one part of your nighttime routine you never skip?
Skincare... what can I say, I'm vain!

What’s always on your bedside table?
A stack of half-read books.

Night owl or Early rise?
Unfortunately, both.

What’s your favorite breakfast in bed?
Coffee, croissants, and crosswords.

For more outfit inspiration follow Gabbie on Instagram @themedianmoda and visit her website to check out the Style Blogger Index. 

Shop Gabbie’s Printfresh Styles:
Lemon Zest Cami in Cloud
Royal Palms Short Sleep Set in Blush
Tiger Queen Short Sleep Set in French Rose

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PF MAG: Founder Amy Voloshin is passionate about creating a space that speaks to our brand, shares unique perspectives from pattern enthusiasts and finds ways to promote more sustainable living. Our blog PF Mag covers creative topics on all things lifestyle - including behind the scenes looks, fashion, design, travel, and home decor, as well as interviews with some of the people who inspire us most. 


Stay inspired with thoughtful interviews, design and DIY ideas, recipes, shopping tips, and so much more.